Meiji Jingu is a Shinto shrine located just next to JR Harajuku Station.
A traditional wedding ceremony with two Shinto priests.

After 2 minutes walk from the station, expect this Torii gate to greet you.

 Definitely a good place to stroll and enjoy Tokyo's awesome weather in June.
A little bit of advice, however, avoid wearing high heels or wedges when visiting.
Nobody really told me.. :'(

After approximately 5 minutes of strolling in the main path, you should see this:

Barrels of foreign liquor on the left

and Japanese traditional liquor on the right.
(pretty containers!)

After another minute of walking, 
you would finally be greeted by the last Torii gate before entering the main building complex.

The complex entrance

Inside the main building complex

I was lucky to witness a traditional wedding ceremony at that day.
I know, I should have taken a closer photo,
but I kinda wanted to keep my reputation as a cool tourist, hence I snapped this secretly from afar instead.

the wishing boards

Lastly, a pretty charm I picked in Meiji Shrine.
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